
Queer Wins IndieFEST Awards


The IndieFEST Film Awards recognizes film, television, videography and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change. Entries are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film and television industry.

In winning an IndieFEST Film Award, Dream Weaver Communications Inc. joins the ranks of other high-profile winners of this internationally respected award    More....

HormonesTV on YouTube
Dream Weaver Communications Inc. has now made the HormonesTV series available free of charge to everyone via YouTube.    More....

On The Move Showcases HormonesTV
"On The Move", the federal government report to assist communities with teen pregnancy showcased HormonesTV as a way to both get youth involved in contributing to their communities and as a source for valuable information for teens. See the page from the report on the right.    

Educational Resource Acquisition Consortium Chooses HormonesTV
The HormonesTV series has been evaluated by the Educational Resource Acquisition Consortium and is now recommended for all schools in Alberta and British Columbia.
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